Design and Technology
My Own Personal Yellow Brick Road
Categories: Design Process

Right, time to set out the details of what I want to achieve:

  • To produce a toy safe using the Tech Supplies keypad kit as a starting point.
  • As stated in my Project Brief the safe needs to be able to be part of a batch production, to this end I need to utilise 2D/3D modeling programmes to create the case as the data can then be easily sent to CAM/CNC machinery for production.
  • To add additional LEDs and buzzers to the original kit to make the safe more interesting.
  • To aim the safe at a young, tech savvy audience by making the safe look high tech (possibly exposing the electronics so you can see how it works), making the case look futuristic and including some interesting sound effects.
  • The safe must be sturdily built and unable to open unless the proper key sequence it entered.
  • To combine metal and plastic to give a futuristic feel.
  • To alter the keypad kit programming to suit my new components/requirements.

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